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Legends and Lore© Marker Program


The Center for Louisiana Studies and the Legends and Lore Roadside Marker Program

The Center for Louisiana Studies is proud to be the William G. Pomeroy Foundation's Louisiana partner in its nationwide Legends and Lore program. Designed to promote the creative cultural expressions of local and regional communities, the program offers organizations throughout the state the opportunity to commemorate their unique heritage through attractive roadside markers. 

Who Can Apply? 

The progam is open to applications from nonprofit organizations, municipalities, and nonprofit educational institutions. 

What does the program cover?

The Pomeroy Foundation covers the costs of manufacturing the marker, the pole, and shipping. Grant recipients will be responsible for the installation of the marker (and, if required by their local transportation department, for the cost of a breakaway pole).

What is the role of the Center for Louisiana Studies? 

The Center evaluates applications to ensure that proposed items of folklore have some grounding in community history and tradition. The Center also helps to promote the program throughout the state. 

What types of things will these markers commemorate? 

Folklore is a broad term, but generally applies in one way or another to creative traditions originating in local and regional communities. Because of the geographic focus inherent in a roadside marker program, this program will tend to be anchored in folklore that can somehow be linked to specific locations: A few examples include—

  • Legends, or semi-historical tales, that are told as true, but not verifiable, such as the many stories of the pirate Jean Lafitte's treasure
  • Myths, or sacred explanatory stories, involving Louisiana geography, such as those involving locations venerated in Native American traditions
  • Places or people mentioned in famed traditional songs or stories, such as "Opelousas Sosthène" 
  • The birthplace or burial ground of significant carriers of Louisiana folklore, such as Dennis McGee or Clifton Chenier
  • Place names with intriguing and indeterminate folk etymologies, such as "Carencro"

Are there currently any markers in Louisiana?

Yes: Check out this map of Legends and Lore markers in Louisiana.

Do you have other specific examples? 

Yes: Check out this map of existing Legends and Lore markers in other parts of the country.

Where do I apply? 

Apply through the Pomeroy Foundations grant portal here.

Who should I contact for more information? 

  • For questions about the application website, or about the national Legends & Lore Roadside Marker Grant Program, contact the Pomeroy Foundation: or call (315) 913-4060.
  • For questions specifically about Louisiana Legends and Lore markers contact Assistant Director for Research John Sharp at or 337-482-1320.